Field Lacrosse Games and Practices will now be scheduled on the Website Calendar.
(You can search by a specific team on the REP tab on the Home Screen)
All Practice times that are scheduled are subject to change without notice. Please always refer to the website calendar for dates and times.
Please refer to the OMFLA website frequently for game schedules as they may change.
FIELD Lacrosse Tryouts
Field Locations - OMFLL
*HHMLA is not responsible for scheduling field games, those come straight from the OMFLA
All Practice times that are scheduled are subject to change without notice. Please always refer to the website calendar for dates and times.
( ** Full Equipment is required)
**Please note, you must be Registered online and Fees Paid with HHMLA prior to Tryouts. You will NOT be permitted to take the floor unless you are registered.
**Registrations will NOT be accepted at Skills Sessions or Tryouts.